My supporters reside here, safe to say I'm not alone,
high-school prepares and shares ideas till you're nearly grown.
Teachers verbalize and realize, to this day they still don't know,
benevolence induces under-breath talking and mental groans.

Flaws underweight and emasculate speaking tones,
ring-tones relieve patience and excite none to most.
From 1-6 I'm a 7 in 11 polls,
of being weird yet I'm here to show how poems flow.

Pen to paper combination like a one-to-two,
I don't stutter, probably a symptom from the flu.
Peer pressure kills moments and yells "come close,"
like sweat, those emotions are extremely gross.

Not with the 'in crowd,' astounded that it's nice to know,
persistence is the resistance to a firefly's glow.
Vehemently prepared for school's roles,
people abase me, I ignore it and loath.

Procrastination siphons life of written growth,
Past girlfriends make me stiff like a head-to-toe.
Look from a peer, it appears they don't know,
I'm socially awkward from my latest woes.

Sore from acumen and how life goes,
can't stand emotions so I'm sitting on the coast.
To the extent I get cold, flip the frame I froze,
haven't glared cause I stare at choices chose.

Karma's bites like a mosquito, round' and round' it goes,
Repair and share to everyone, damages photos.
Enough has been done, 9-0-2-1-0,
I'm going home, have a great life, leave me alone.

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