I am reading the book, Life in the Valley of Death by Alan Rabinowitz. A vivid book that has very descriptive details in every page along with vocabulary words the average middle schooler should know.

I chose the book according to the colorful green/orange color that reminded me of the saturnine jungle, a simple reminder of every time I pick up the book, what it’s about. It has a tiger’s eyes with enough opacity for you to see the eyes yet look behind them. As if the author wants you to see through a tiger’s eyes when you read the book, or since the eyes are near the top of the page, remind yourself that the tigers are on ‘top’ of the food chain mentally and physically.

The reviews of the book are surprisingly good. I had no clue the average person would be interested in a book on tigers and a man dedicating his life to them unless they had a huge interest in animals or was a consistent animal-planet watcher such as myself.

Within the first pages I realized it would be a book that would touch the heart of any animal lover. “A lion growls in the shadows to my right and I freeze, momentarily frightened,” a great way to start off the book in the environment of the quiet zephyr infested jungle in which Rabinowitz relishes in everyday.

I’m glad I got around page 35 so far and I can’t wait to read the whole thing so far. What will happen to Rabinowitz in the jungle? What will happen to the tigers? What will the ‘Indiana Jones of the jungle’ have to face the next page? Just a bunch of questions I hope to answer from continuing to read the incredible book.

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